Nov 24, 2009

november 24, 2009 - 229.8 lbs

Down 0.4 lbs again, but as I have said before, the bad thing about cheating (like going to anniversary dinner), isn't the stall in weight loss, but rather getting past the hunger and back onto the strict diet. I did somewhat better yesterday, but not best and am hungry today for sure. Remember hunger lags a day or more frequently two, because your body preplans how much fat to mobilize for energy 2 to 3 days in advance. If you are getting more calories from food, especially if you have cheating for several days in a row, your body sets and you have to break it. Get past the hungry day and you will have a decent weight loss and be back to normal as far as hunger and weight loss goes. If I can get past today, I should have 2 good days before Thanksgiving.


Unknown said...

Hello Dan, you are doing fantastic. I have a question. Where or how did you come up with your mixture? Yours is the only one that I can find that uses the glycerine and vodka. Found many with vodka but also that vodka breaks down the protein in HCG. Most of the mixtures are B12 w/colloidal silver, Can you help me out? We did the injection that worked great for us. My friends do not want to do shots, so i am doing the leg work on the oral.
Thanks, Marsha

Dan Foss said...

People who are using colodial silver have used it for weight loss in the past and are trying to "increase their chance" that something works for them (same with B12), but I ask this...why would someone put silver in their body? Did they know they may turn blue? Not worth the risk, but also never clinically studied with hCG. Never any papers or lab work. Just like playing Russian roulette, in my opinion, but I guess they are desperate. Too bad they won't trust Simeons or Belusci's work.
Dr. Simeons clinically proved his injection method over 25 to 30 years. Dr. Belusci clinically proved his sublingual recipe for 20 plus years and sold to Millineum Health Spa, and it is now sold as Releana. The patent is online and I used it and backward engineering to make my sublingual. That's why it is not marketable.
Glycerin and vodka are both sublingual transports and have been used in making sublingual medicines and vitamins for eons. Vodka alone stings and glycerine is not as effective, so together they balance one another. It has been PROVED that the vodka doesn't break down the hCG. It works. You never get immunity. You never get hungry. Clinical studies and year after year after year of success can't be wrong.

Hope that helps.