Jan 11, 2010

january 11, 2010 - 240.6 lbs

Down 2.0 lbs, mostly due to drinking enough fluids. Let the fasting begin. At 12:45 PM, a bit hungry, but not like normal fasting I would say. We'll see how this works out and how long I can go. I would expect I can go until I get my weight, but might not recover from muscle damage due to working out or really pushing it, since that is what your daily protein does for you. One thing I know from having done fasting in the past is that without the hCG, you are hungry for the first 3 or 4 days and then the hunger goes away completely until between day 21 and day 40. Depending on the amount of fat on your body, you will get extremely hungry at about that point. I never did a complete fast for longer than 14 days and even when I was skinny in my early 20's, I never got the overwhelming hunger. All this goes along well with the VLCD diet and the Simeon's protocol. We know what we eat today affects us a couple days down the road because it takes the body several days to adjust the amount it take from fat stores. You hunger today is based upon what your body expected you to consume, based upon what you consumed (food intake) from a few days ago. Once you run out of stored fat, you body will start to take from the fat needed to be kept in places like padding of feet and organs, and it will turn on the immense hunger pangs to get you to intake food. This is when you should stop dieting or fasting. For me, it was below 184 lbs, as I did not get hungry and that's where I stopped last time, because everyone around me said I was too skinny looking. I think I look best between 200 and 210, but the weight table say that is overweight.

1 comment:

Dwayne said...

Weight tables are deceptive!! Only go by % body fat, then calculate your goals based on what a healty percentage of body fat should be for you. I'm in the same boat...I'd be extremely anorexic looking, if I followed the BMI index and recommended body weight charts. I suppose that's due to the years (prior to becoming fat) of packing muscle while body building. So word to the wise...throw out the "body weight" chart, and have your % BODY FAT calculated to more accurately set your proper weight goals. For example: My wt.goal is 191 lbs., and that puts me at approx. 10% body fat. But the charts say I should be at 165-176 lbs. for my height and weight. I'd be a skeleton, if I could even get my weight down that far!