Mar 10, 2010

march 10, 2010 - 215.2 lbs

Only down 0.8 lbs despite doing everything correctly again. I was expecting 1.2 to 1.6 pounds. Could be 1 of three things. #1 The chicken I am using is pre-prepared, so even though it seems the same as what I have been using, it may have calories I am unaware of and the package is gone, so I cannot confirm. This also matches nicely with when the weight loss tailed off. #2 You aren't supposed to start exercising while in the active weight loss portion as it can take 1 to 2 weeks for your body to adjust. This makes sense, since I don't have the level of energy I normally do, which could be explained by the fact that my body hasn't yet been able to compensate via mobilizing fat. #3 I have been drinking decaf tea before bed to stave off hunger and maybe not eliminating all the water by morning weigh in. I am pretty sure this is at least part of it. This also matches nicely with when the weight loss tailed off. or it could be a combination of these things. I am going to switch back to the raw chicken or fish and leave the rest as is and see if it was the chicken. I figure the rest will take care of itself over time. This has to start tomorrow though as I didn't have time to buy meat and have dinner with me already, since I got straight to church on Wednesday's to assistant direct in the production ministry.


Cassie-Alexis said...

Dan I have a few questions?

I am on Releana and realize that my weight loss has come to a halt.

1. am i not supposed to be working out? I have been doing heavy weight training and cardio and was going to include jogging.

2. I noticed that I have not been able to eat my dinners as my food SUCKS! I never want to eat.

3. I've been drinking green tea, should I swtich to a decaf tea? How much decaf tea should I drink to help me get back to losing weight?

I've been at the same weight for the past 2 weeks hardly losing anything. I don't cheat as far as eating foods that I'm not supposed to. Can you help make sense of this?

Finally...I thought I read somewhere that someone was using a fat burner while on Releana or while on phase 3 I'm not sure which--do you recommend that? I was thinking of using Lipo 6 or hydroxycut.

Dan Foss said...

There are a lot of reasons one can stall on weight loss.

First, let me go through some of what you said:
1> With physical training, you need to stay on the exact regimen you were on prior to starting hCG. Don't start working out, don't increase and don't decrease the work out. If you do it is okay, but you may stall for a couple weeks as your body adjusts to the change. If you did change your workout, it is okay. Stay at the new level and eventually things will work right with weight loss.

If above isn't the cause and even if it is, you can do apple days until your weight loss resumes. Four apples only, spread throughout the day (oranges work too). Nothing else, except lots of water.

2> There are lot's of things you can eat and you should try changing it up. One thing that really helps taste is grilling it. Try that. Try using all the available ingredients to make something more palatable - such as, a broccoli salad with minced chicken or another meat. Or a salad with a little bit of pureed tomato as the dressing and broken grissini as the croutons. Cut the apples or oranges (peeled) to a bite size and mix in.

Look online for phase two recipes.

3> Green tea isn't the problem, unless it has sugar.

Finally, if you are close to a normal weight, you will taper off and have very minuscule losses. This is normal. Keep on and you will get there.

Also, make sure you are hydrating correctly. MORE water for more physical exertion as well.

I wouldn't bother with a fat burner. Just keep doing what you are doing.

Cassie-Alexis said...

Thank you so much. I think it was the change in my work out. I was working out here and there but I started this new work out about a week ago. I am no where near a normal weight. I am about 60lbs over weight.

I already ate half a grapefruit today so I don't think i'll do an apple day today.

I think I will do my apple day on a saturday since I will be home all day and that way i can drink a lot of water. I think I need to up my water intake. Before I was drinking 2 1/2 liters of water and now i'm down to about 1?

This is hard. I think I want to try a fat burner during phase 3 because I am afraid of gaining weight. I tried releana before. and gained all my weight back. Or maybe i'll just wait until after the 3 weeks of phase 3.

Cassie-Alexis said...

also how many hours do you have to wait inbetween each apple that you eat?

Dan Foss said...

You could just do 4 grape fruit halves too by the way.

For phase 3 and 4....

The idea is to normalize.

On phase three, here are my lessons learned;

First just double what you eat from phase two. You are searching for the magical amount you can eat without losing or gaining weight.

Second, if you ever cheated during phase 2, don't cheat during phase 3. Your body is getting set for what is the new normal for you. You want it to expect the new normal is a correct diet and not a diet with cheating and binging.

On phase 4 (the rest of your life phase)

Change the amount you eat! You don't need as much anymore, so don't eat as much.

Realize one cookie if like eating one sugar cube. One small piece of candy the same, one candy bar, is like 12 sugar cubes. If you have an unhealthy snack, have a bite or two - no more. This is normal. One or two cookies is the max at one meal. Think of that amount of treats as a guide. Cookies may not be your thing, but it is the amount of two cookies I am suggesting you use. If you drink regular soda, forget ever eating any other treats. The soda is the treat and only drink a can or two a day. No more.

You normalize your weight during phase 3. On phase 4, religiously manage the weight via protein or "steak days". See that in my top links.

Dan Foss said...

Need to spread out the apples. No magical number, but you are going to be hungry around 10 to 11 am, if you are like me, so eat one then and then again in a couple hours, etc.,

Cassie-Alexis said...

okay great information! i completely forgot about the apple day thing on the phase 2...I thought apple days were just for phase 3.

Question. I thought that i was supposed to be 6 apples and not four?

Another person also mentioned 4 but they said that their doctor said to eat protein and meat for dinner.

Dan Foss said...

Per simeons protoco, which is what we are following and was clinically tested for 25 years, 4 apples. No protein for dinner.

The Doctor's don't understand the protocol. Unless they studied it, they can't really be relied on for advice.

You do not need to have protein at every meal every day!