Jun 26, 2008

guide to phase names

Kevin Trudeau can be blamed for the reference us hCG-ers make to phases. In his plan, you start with a cleansing phase, phase 1. Then the main phase is called phase 2 and the 3 week phase to conclude a course is called phase 3. You might see people showing P2R2, which means phase 2 round 2. Phase 2 followed by a 3 or 6 weeks phase three and back to a second course of hCG phase 2, thus Phase 2 Round 2. I did succomb to this a little, but I tried to stick to "main phase" and "conluding phase" I really don't believe in Trudeau's program, but if it works for you, then go for it. I think it is changed enough to be able to make a buck off of. I don't think it was done scientifically or with a lot of thought. I think that he has you taking an awful lot of junk, which is unnecessary. My health food store advisor said the diet I am doing is a cleansing all by iteself and I shouldn't have to do any other cleansing. Dr. Simmeons said that your body absorbs the cell that contained the fat and get from that cell all the nutrition and vitamins you need and don't need to take anything else. So why then is Trudeau having you take all that stuff? Is he making money? Isn't that what he is blasting the pharmaceutical companies for doing? Although as pointed out by someone else in a comment to me, we do have KT to thank for the current interest in hCG. Although others found "Pounds and Inches" (after KT got hCG attention in his books), and they also led the way re-establishing Dr. Simmeons diets, which is what we are doing here.

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