Aug 19, 2008

august 19, 2008 - day 217 (weight 201.0 - down 57.5)

Been busy. Didn't realize 9 days went by. I was RV'ing for part and didn't have my scale, but my weight has been between 201 and 203. Seems to have settled here finally. Still plan to do a final 21 day course.


Jess said...

Hey Dan...
I have a question for you. If I do your sublingual recipe for HCG but I don't use the glycerin (because I don't have any and have to mix tomorrow) how much of a dosage will I take twice a day? Or is it even possible to do that?
Thanks so much. Jess

Dan Foss said...

Not a problem. Just substitue more Vodka for the glycerine (same amount of vodka as you would have put it as glycerine - 4 ml, total then is 10 ml vodka). It might sting a little, but it will be just a little. It will absorb quicker too.

Both are merely absorbant agents. One sweet one sour, so they neutralize each other as far as taste goes.

Let me know if it works as I expect.


Dr. B. said...


Thanks for you blog - it's been very informative.

I just received a package from Turkey with a hand written return address with my Drug Delivery HCG in it. I got 3 vials of 5000 IU. It look legit, but I'm still worried its not. Is this the normal delviery packaging?

Also, I've been on Releana for 28 days now and am very hungry. I've lost 13 lbs so far, and know I could lose more but it seems I have to 'cheat' everyday. I eat a bit more protein and veggies than allowed and I will also eat an additional apple. Why am I so hungry? I drink tons of water.

I want to lose 20 more pounds, any advice on the hunger?


Dan Foss said...

Re: the packaging
That is called discreet packaging, so customs doesn't seize your shipment.
Your hunger could be one of four things:
#1-you could have lost your potency. Was it working for you and is now seeming to be loosing effectiveness, thus hunger, or has the hunger been constant. If it is losing potency, you will need to remix a new batch and make sure to keep it sterile and refridgerated.
#2-you may need to take a higher dose of hCG. Try doubling the aount you are taking. You will notice a difference in 3-4 days.
#3-I found it takes 2-3 days to adject to your caloric intake. In other words, your body needs to know how many calories you are going to eat, so it can decide how much it needs to metabolize, or how much it needs to take from fat. Your body will live off 500 calories, but it takes 2-3 days to adjust to whatever is your constant. If you can grit it out and just stick to as close to 500 calories as possible, in 2-3 days it will steady out and your body will take the rest from stored fat. It does mean a difficult 2-3 days though.
#4-and this is most likely. You need to drink both enough water and a consistent amount. This is a problem everyone seems to have. Drinking 3+ liters, spread out over the course of the day and 7 days a week, the same amount. What I had to do was get a measured bottle and drink the exact same amount at the exact same times every single day. I would put 6 20 oz. bottles in the fridge and when I got to zero, I was done for the day. My brother used a 1 liter insulated thermos mug. He drank 3 per day.
Consistency is the name of the game. Both with water and with food. My best time of high and consistent weight loss was when I adopted my brothers plan. He ate 3 oz of chicken breat, with 1 4 ounce tomatoe, with 1 apple, with 2 grissini, every single meal, every single day. Seems boring, but it works so well, it amazed me. My hunger all went away and my weight loss maxed out. Time flew by. Was so easy too, because my wife just cooked up weeks worth of chicken and vacuum sealed it and that how I took it for lunch at work.

Dan Foss said...

adject = adjust
breat = breast

patty said...

i would like to first thankyou dan for this site and all the work you devoted to it; it has been a wealth of info. i have a question; do u know whether cheese and peanut butter would be approved in the concluding phase. i know that carbs are not allowed but do u think dairy products or PB is allowed??

Dan Foss said...

Cheese yes, peanuts no.

Remember, you can eat more, but you still need to be consistent. This is the most important part of the diet. This is the stabilization/transistion back to regular food part. Your body has to adjust to "what it can now expect" for caolric intake and composition. If you are consistent and eat correctly, you can nail it here. Otherwise, you may have to go back and do a short course and finalize again.

Shari said...

Hi! I am wondering if one was trying to avoid using alcohol in the mixing if glycerine could be used in it's place?

Also, how does one check the ph balance when mixing?


Dan Foss said...

Glycerine is a processed alcohol, so I think you could use it that way, but absorption will likely be slowed, so you will need to hold it in your mouth much longer.

PH is not an issue with glycerine or alcohol. I wouldn't worry about it. I used a pool test strip as it has the PH in the right spot on the strip.