Feb 12, 2008

february 12, 2008 - day 27 (weight 233.0)

Down to 233.0 lbs from yesterday morning.

I actually measured my cups at work and found they aren't as big as I thought, so I wasn't getting as much water as I thought. Still got 8-10 oz. glasses, but though I was getting 10. Yesterday I drank about 100 oz. of water. I am trying to get 5-20 oz. bottles down a day. That is 3 liters and is a better recommendation than 64 oz. from what I read (2.5 liters for ladies).

I did my first dosing using my dosing syringe, rather than the dosing bottles and it was very easy. That is the way I would recommend anyone do it, who is going to go the sublingual/oral method.

For lunch I had Sirloin tips, cucumber and tomatoes, an orange and grissini's (323.25 cal).
For dinner I had Tilapia tomatoes, and 10 strawberries (179 cal).
(502.25 cal total).

I updated another chart that I made that compares things such as weight loss and water intake. Once I updated the water values based on my findings from measuring my cups yesterday, i found an interesting correlation. #1 My weight loss has fluctuated, as has my hunger level. I had already seen a correlation in my daily loss, related to water consumption, now I can see a correlation to the other two items as well.

Here is a screen print of those three areas;

1 comment:

TimFoss said...

Hey Dan,
Congrats on your progress so far!
Only 3 lbs and you will be out of the 230's forever! You are getting real close to me! Keep up the great work and thanks for your detailed posts!
Love ya,