Mar 16, 2009

lesson's learned...gearing up for another try...

I am near where I was to start. Isn't that sad? The reason is not a failure of the diet, but I have learned lessons I will apply to the next time which is coming soon. Lesson #1: Make sure you don't have an internal yeast or candida overgrowth or thrush. This fights you on phase 3 and 4 (see the 3/6/09 post for more info on this). Lesson #2: Phase 3 (right after you stop hCG) is the one area YOU DO NOT CHEAT OR COMPROMISE ON. It is the key to keeping the weight off. If you follow one part religiously, it is this part. Lesson #3: Portion control. Err in eating way too little in phase 3 and 4 (actually for the phase 3 part, just double the diet from phase 2-you need about 1000 calories and that is about 1000 calories). You have a "NEW" amount you eat at each meal, not the amount you used to eat when you were heavy. This is my biggest lesson's learned by the way. You can always eat a little more later if you are hungry. Remember it takes 2 days for your body to adjust to a change in your intake (it adjusts how much it will take from fat stores and how much it "expects" you to intake). You may have to be hungry for 2 days at times as you get this under control (this is what a steak day is doing - telling your body to not expect a lot of intake, while keeping protein level high for your brain and muscles). You can guess how I did on the above 3 items....not so good. Please don't write the diet off because of my troubles, but learn my lessons and be successful. For those who were successful where I wasn't, please post a comment with your success here for other to see. I know I am in the minority.


Jess said...

Hey Dan! So good to see you back on the blog. I used your recipe last summer when I started HCG but now I've been off for a while and I forgot it. I've tried to access your links and they don't work anymore...they used to so I don't think it's a problem on my computer. Could you remind me what it was? I wasn't using the glycerin, just vodka and bac water. I have 2 2500 vials of HCG. And what is the dosage?

Thank you SO much for all your efforts on this blog! I hope your next phase goes great!

Dan Foss said...

Thanks Jess!! Everyone say thanks to Jess! I have links fixed now.