May 12, 2009

about the hcg diet and love handles

Question: Hello again, I have a few questions about my body fat. I have lost almost 70 pounds so far but my belly and my love handles are still there. My belly and love handles have gone down a lot but its not matching the way my lower body has lost. My question is if i should stop taking the hcg and work it off or keep taking it? I'm weighing 221 pounds today and my goal weight is 180. My friends that are on the diet too are telling me to stop when i run out of hcg then work out. What do you think i should do and will the belly and love handles go away if i keep going to my goal weight taking the Hcg? Thank you so much and i hope to hear back from you soon. Ajsanz69 Answer: Keep going. Don't stop. Skin absorption can lag 2 to 3 weeks. You won't completely firm up until you stop and go 2 to 3 weeks. Why take a break and put that off? Get to your goal and then come off properly. It will all absorb just fine. You can always work out again in your new post hCG lifestyle. Keep going!! Dan


mama-d said...

Thanks much for posting all this info. I had originally done Releana, lost most of what I wanted, didn't quite follow Phase 4and put some back on. I have a few questions, if you don't mind. First of all, if making more than one batch at the same time, like for my husband and me, can I reuse the syringe for the water and the mixed solution? Or does each application have to be a new one? Second, it seems that Research Labs is cheaper overall, is there any reason not to order everything from there, although I haven't figured out if they have everything or not yet. And last, you don't mention, at least I don't think you do, using a filter syringe, in case some glass does go in the powder. Do you think it necessary and can I get that on either of those sites? Thanks much in advance for any help you can give me.

Dan Foss said...

There isn't any reason to purchases at the places I said. As a matter of fact the less places you have to use, the less you will pay in shipping and handling.
I sterilized and reused all my syringes and bottle, etc. If using at the same time, just make sure to use a clean syringe for vodka and a clean one for water and a clean one for glycerie, since you want to use those again and not contaminate them.
I used a fiilter at first, but if using a hypodermic, it is fine enough to filter glasses.

colleen said...

I am wondering about the yeast thing. I have done the hcg two times and both times (and after) I still have intense cravings. I don't have any of the other signs of yeast problems. Just cravings. Any suggestions? Thank you!

Dan Foss said...

I am no expert, but I would suggest you pump probiotics and see if that helps. Might want to up the amount of hCG dose while taking the hCG too.
